Friday, April 10, 2009

I'll get you next time, evil mailman....

I don't know when or what spawned this sudden hatred and animosity toward the mail man, but I find it high-larry-us. Every day, at the same time he sits... and waits.... and patiently looks out the window. Waiting with bated breath similar to that of a hit man or an assassin cautiously awaiting the arrival for their intended target..... It is Booger and it is also time for another show down. I assume this mail man should pray to every God above and thank them because this hound from hell is properly secured within these four walls.... for now, anyway...

But, yes, he waits.... waiting for the day of blessed human error where I absentmindedly forget to closed the door, freeing him from this cage we humans call a "house" so that he can attack his prey as if it were a tribute to Cerberus, the three headed dog of Hades.....

Oh yes, evil mail man, be afraid......your demise is on the horizon and death is imminent.

Hell hath no fury..... like a 5 pound Pomeranian....